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High Level Event on Demographic Dividend and Investments in Youth and Women

High Level Event on Demographic Dividend and Investments in Youth and Women


High Level Event on Demographic Dividend and Investments in Youth and Women

calendar_today 23 November 2016

Participants during the conference. ©UNFPA Algeria

The forum aimed to: i)build common understanding on DD and identify policy options for harnessing DD, ii) share experiences and practices across the Arab region in regarding to DD, iii) develop Road Map for action, at regional and national level.

The forum was a truly multisectoral event and brought together high-level opinion leaders and policy makers from the Arab region including heads of the population councils, ministries officials and planning staff, as well as representatives from private sectors, academicians and researchers, representatives from UN agencies, UNFPA staff, regional technical experts and programme implementers, youth organizations, and young people from the regions to discuss how the region can harness demographic dividend

Participants identified obstacles to harnessing DD such as political contexts, lack of data, resources allocation, insecurity of the labor market, as well as windows’ opportunities: reduction of inequalities, improving FP demand and services, increasing economic opportunities, strengthening access to technology, access to quality education, developing competencies, linkage between 1st and 2nd Dividend and supporting entrepreneurship.

As next steps it was agreed that Governments, United Nations Funds, Programmes, Specialized Agencies and international development Banks and inter-governmental organizations should collaborate on operational strategies and partnerships for realizing the demographic dividend with complementary and collaborative efforts

Dedicate efforts for the availability of gender disaggregated data that remains a priority as it is the foundation for people centered decision making, including better data on migration patterns, refugees and migrants

 Follow-up on the actions and share the process and results in the region and through broader AU platforms